Call For Artifacts and Demonstrations
The FLTA 2025 Conference invites researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals to submit artifacts and demonstration proposals showcasing their latest work and innovations. The conference will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from October 14th to October 17th, 2025. This track provides an opportunity to present research prototypes, proof-of-concepts, and operational systems to a global audience, fostering valuable feedback and knowledge exchange.
Topics of interest for artifacts and demonstrations include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Federated Learning Frameworks
- Federated Learning Aggregation Algorithms
- Federated Learning Applications
- Federated Learning Deployment Architectures
- Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning Techniques
- Federated Learning Communication-Efficiency
- Federated Learning Modelling and Simulation Tools
- Federated Learning Datasets and Benchmarking
- Challenges and Advancements in Federated Learning
- Federated Learning for Emerging Technologies
Authors are requested to submit a paper that outlines the purpose, scope, and audience of their artifact or demonstration. The paper should:
- Emphasize the motivation and technical contributions of the artifact or demonstration.
- Highlight interactive features and describe their potential to engage the FLTA audience.
- Include links to online resources, such as live versions, videos, or tutorials, showcasing the key features and interactive elements.
- Mention any special requirements for the proposed demonstration (e.g., non-standard setup).
Submission Guidelines:
- All submissions must follow the IEEE 8.5″ x 11″ two-column format using 10pt fonts.
- Each paper can be up to six (6) pages, including figures, tables, appendices, and references.
- Papers exceeding this page limit or not adhering to the format will be desk-rejected.
- The review process is single-blind.
Accepted and presented artifact and demonstration papers will be included in the FLTA 2025 proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register, attend the conference in person, and present their work onsite. No-show papers will be reported to the publisher and excluded from the proceedings.
Please submit your artifacts and demonstration paper via Easychair by June 1, 2025. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by July 29, 2025.
# | Event | Date |
1 | Paper Submission | June 1, 2025 |
2 | Acceptance Notification | July 29, 2025 |
3 | Camera Ready Submission | August 16, 2025 |