17-19 September 2024 | Valencia, Spain

The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA24)

Join us for FLTA 2024, the premier conference on Federated Learning technologies and applications, advancing AI collaboration, privacy, and innovation.


NH Valencia Las Artes Hotel, Valencia, Spain

Acceptance Notification

July 31, 2024

Conference Date

September 17-19, 2024

About The Conference

The 2nd International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA 2024) is a premier venue for the timely publication of FL management, systems, services, technologies, and applications. FLTA 2024 aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of FL communication, computing, and system requirements. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and presentations, attendees can engage with leading experts and learn about the latest developments and future trends in the field. FLTA 2024 focuses on fostering an understanding of FL, identifying technical challenges, and exploring potential solutions, including distributed optimization, privacy-preserving techniques, intelligent learning algorithms, personalized FL, communication efficiency approaches, Secure and Trustworthy FL, open challenges, and recent trends and opportunities in FL. We welcome submissions addressing the important challenges (see the topics below) and presenting novel research or experimentation results with system or network-related case studies. Survey papers that offer a perspective on related work and identify key challenges for future research will be considered as well.

  • Federated Learning frameworks
  • Federated Learning Aggregation Algorithms.
  • Federated Learning Applications
  • Federated Learning Deployment Architectures
  • Privacy-Preserving FL Techniques
  • Federated Learning Communication-efficiency
  • Federated Learning modelling and simulation tools
  • Federated Learning datasets and benchmarking
  • Federated Learning Associated Technologies

keynote Speakers

Our keynote speakers are renowned experts and thought leaders who will inspire and captivate the audience with their visionary insights.

Schahram Dustdar
TU Wien, Austria
Ziyue Xu
Nvidia Flare, USA
Peter Richtarik
Mohsen Guizani
Nicholas Lane
University of Cambridge
Fredrik Wrede
Scaleout AB, Sweden
Viktor Valadi
Product Designer
Javier Fernandez-Marques
FlowerLabs, UK

Meet our sponsors

Our sponsors are the driving force behind the success of this event, bringing their innovation and support to the forefront. Explore the contributions of these incredible organizations and how they are shaping the future of Federated Learning

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